
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Top Secrets to Achieve Weight Loss and Lose Fat Fast

When it comes to losing weight there seems to always be a new workout program or certain type of training coming to the rescue. Often times these are simply new marketing campaigns to entice untrained individuals to overpay for something that is achievable at a much lesser cost. Still though, if you look hard enough you can find some good types of training programs in order to achieve optimal weight loss.
The best way to lose weight is subjective to each individual person but if you apply the best program to suit your needs then you will be ahead of the pack. Lets discuss some popular training techniques that will help in losing fat fast.

Types of training methodologies:
HIIT - is known as "High-Intensity Interval Training" sometimes also called High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise. This type of training is a more defined form of your classic interval training. The strategy is usually in cardiovascular form but can also be applied to anaerobic exercises and is very adaptable to any given need. Involving short bursts of high intensity exercise followed immediately by low to medium intensity rest periods.

CrossFit - A strength and conditioning system built upon constantly varied, often times randomized yet functional movements executed at high intensities. Including weight lifting, cardio exercises, etc. Pretty much anything you can think of as a workout CrossFit as tried more than likely.

The Truth About Low-Carb Diets and How to Upgrade Your Carbs

Is a low-carb diet really effective? I suppose it depends on your definition of effective. Yes, a low-carb diet will help you lose weight quickly, perhaps faster than anything short of a complete crash diet. However, there are some things you should know about carbohydrates that will help shed some light on why a low-carb diet is by no means a permanent weight loss solution, how it will affect you, and why it isn't particularly safe.

Carbohydrates are a fundamental source of energy for your body. Even if you don't know why (and the why isn't particularly important for the scope of this article), you know that if you eat a lot of sugar, which is a carb that your body digests very quickly, you get a sudden boost of energy. It follows, then, that if you eat less carbs, you'll have less energy; so if you choose to pursue a low-carb diet, be prepared to feel a little more sluggish than usual. Also, as I'm sure you know, exercise is an essential aspect to any weight loss program, but if you aren't eating enough carbs, you will find it more difficult to get through your workout. Mental toughness will only get you so far - at some point your body is going to need fuel.

When you eat, your body can essentially store excess carbs for later. These carbs are stored as fat, which is why a low-carb diet can help you lose weight so quickly. When you stop eating enough carbohydrates, your body will pull on its reserves (fat) to give you the extra fuel you need. Sounds great, right? You can just let your body rely on fat to get you through your day. After you lose all of your unsightly fat, you can simply start eating carbs again to supply your body with the energy it needs and like magic, you'll be thin! Unfortunately, there's a problem that anyone who advertises a low-carb diet conveniently ignores. Having an excess amount of food to eat (at least in some parts of the world) is a very new problem that our bodies haven't yet learned to deal with. Our metabolism is much better at preventing us from starving than it is at letting us lose weight, so if you try a low-carb or even a crash diet, your metabolism will slow down and your fat will become even more stubborn. You'll lose less weight that second week than you did your first, and even less during that third week. When you finally do start eating carbs again, your body will convert even more of them into fat than it usually would in preparation for another fast. This is why a low-carb diet is not a permanent weight loss solution - in fact many people will end up even heavier than they were before the diet because their bodies take a while to realize that another fast is not imminent.

Finally, carbohydrates should be part of any balanced diet that will also include protein and fat. If you are lacking any one of these elements, you are likely to feel hungry even after eating a high calorie meal because your body isn't getting its nutritional needs met. This is true even if you are eating the same number of calories as before.

With all of this said, there are some things that you can do to make sure your body isn't constantly converting all of your carbohydrates into fat. First, it's entirely possible that you can eat less carbs without eating too little. For a 2,000 calorie diet, you should be eating about 300 grams of carbs, which comes to 1,200 calories. It may seem tedious, but one day take the time to measure out your foods and use the nutritional information on the labels to calculate about how many carbs you're eating in a normal day (you can also search online for foods that don't have a label, like fresh fruit). If you're eating more than 300 grams worth, then you can cut back without risking low energy levels or having your body go into starvation mode (just make the change gradually over time if you're over by a lot).

When you're at about 300 grams of carbs daily, you can focus on upgrading the carbs you eat. Fruits and vegetables are the highest quality sources of carbs you can find - they're complex carbohydrates which means they'll provide you with sustained energy over a period of time (as opposed to most sugars that break down quickly and lead to a crash) and they're easy for your body to digest (they also pack a lot of vitamins to help you stay healthy). When you do eat grains (and it's hard to get to 300 grams without eating grains), opt for 100% whole grain options. Whole grains, like fruits and vegetables, pack a good dose of fiber that will help keep you full longer and will ease some of the pressure you're putting on your digestive system. Whole grain cereals are becoming increasingly more popular and most of the breads in the bread aisle will say something like 100% whole wheat or 100% multigrain. You can also pick up whole wheat pasta, brown rice instead of white, and whole wheat pizza crusts, tortilla shells, and crackers. Make these upgrades a part of your everyday diet and you can watch your body permanently transform safely without sacrificing your energy levels.

Article Source:

Pros And Cons of the African Mango Diet

Currently, everyone around the world is going crazy with the recent findings of supplements that can help one to lose weight fast without having to put in a lot of effort thanks to a famous celebrity doctor. Raspberry ketones and African mango supplements are in the middle of this discussion and scientists have been conducting research on these diets for a decade. We are going to focus on African mango diets which originated from the original bush mango found in Cameroon Africa.

There are a lot of mixed feelings about African mango diet supplements with some complementing it while others labeling it a scam for those selling the product to benefit. Below is an unbiased review of the pros and cons of this diet supplement.

5 Diet Tips to Curb Cravings and Lessen Appetite

Last week, I was standing at the back of the bus just passing Colorado Blvd. It was a hot 100 degrees outside. I was coming home late in the afternoon after helping set up for an event. Because of car problems I was taking the good ole' public transportation.

I got off one stop early. No, I didn't want to add more walking into my day (however, that doesn't hurt) but because I wanted to avoid a favorite Boba (tapioca) drink place which is a mostly high in sugar, empty calories beverage. I got off a stop early and had no food places that entice me to eat or drink something that wasn't healthy for me.

Do you have any specific junk foods you crave often? What ever it may be, whether an ice cream shop or a pizza place, be aware of your diet GPS. I have a sweet tooth so I watch my surrounding of food places. What can you do? Well, you can change your route or take the highway home where you avoid those spots. I'm good when my diet GPS is on!

I'm no cookie monster. I swear! I do have my share of cravings. Some, if not most, junk foods (salty, fatty sugary stuff) make you crave your brain to eat more. Yes! So it's not entirely your fault.
What to do: For the next several weeks, cut your junk food cravings by 2 portions off your normal serving size. Do it slowly.

My Calorie Counter Is A Lifesaver!

Completely revamping your daily menu can be a daunting task especially if you are not accustomed to monitoring what you eat. That is why my calorie counter is a lifesaver and has truly helped me adopt the mindset of eating healthy choices and meals that are appropriately portion sized.

Take a moment to reflect on your current health and weight condition. Is losing weight a priority to you? Have you been unsuccessful in the past at becoming more fit? Possibly you have gained weight over the years attributed to eating fast food far too often every week, and are determined to make an actual change for the better.

Regardless of your reason, when you decide that losing weight is priority number one, the first step to take is to focus on the food you eat on a daily basis. This is specifically where my calorie counter is a lifesaver because it helps take away the mystery of what is in each and every meal that's set in front of me.
The point of this exercise is not for you to become a professional dietician and memorize the nutritional content of every item in your kitchen. That is not our goal here whatsoever. The reason why my calorie counter is a lifesaver is that it forces you to focus on each and every single thing you put in your mouth all day long. Instead of approaching the idea of eating healthy as a broad topic, focusing on individual healthy items will add up to an entire day that's nutritious and fulfilling.

Real People Need Real Diets That Work

You've heard them all: "Lose a pound a day," "Drop five dress sizes in five days," or "Lose your belly with the Flat Belly Diet." The sales pitches are endless, and so are the number of people who have been burned. When it comes to weight loss gimmicks they've been around for decades.

Thanks to research, most of the latest diets are based on scientific research that provides healthy results without all the hype. These newer diets are not nearly as restrictive, and they give us plenty of information on how we gain weight and why we aren't able to lose it. That means you'll be much more likely to be successful with your weight loss goals.

The Weight Loss Connection Between The Mind And Body
The most significant awareness that recent dietary science has recognized is that individuals don't just eat too much for the love of food, or because they feel obligated to eat. Dietary science has shown that overeating occurs as a result of intricate relationships between physical and emotional need.
The number one reason there are so many overweight Americans is because we use food to fill an emotional void, which encompasses relationship issues, money worries, and even day to day stress, all of which drive us to find comfort foods.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Benefits Of A Whole Body Vibration Machine

Neuromuscular training is offered by a vibration machine to improve muscular strength, power and balance. There is a platform on the machine for standing and sitting. The user can control the frequency of the vibrations (speed level) and length of time used according to his fitness level and particular needs. The vibrations' intensity increases with higher frequency levels. The un-weighted strength exercises like push-ups and squats can be performed while using the machine.

Muscular Strength

There is an increase in the muscle growth by performing isometric exercises on the vibration machine, as seen on the exercise chart and video. Everyone, including seniors can benefit greatly from this. If you have knee osteoarthritis, you can increase your muscle strength by doing exercise positions such as lunges, dips, and squats for 60-90 seconds as little as 3 times per week.

Special Requirements

For people with various disabilities, who are unable to undergo regular strength training exercise, whole body vibration can offer them a great deal. They can strengthen their muscles, as well as receive many other exercise benefits, with little impact on their joints or stress on their cardiovascular system. People who have multiple sclerosis or suffer from Parkinson's disease can also take advantage of this machine to increase strength and stability, balance and flexibility. Even the very elderly can use and benefit from vibration exercise training. Users in their 90's are improving their quality and quantity of life by safely using whole body vibration 3 or more times per week.